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Mattrick: I admire your moxy kid, but they'll see ya coming from a light-year away.
Rolf: Not if we make a big enough distraction. If Mattrick targets the engines, they'll expect him to use the lance. Mika, get ready to pick off any ships that go after Jake. Keep his path clear.
Mika: Yes sir! Jake, I've got your six covered.
Jake: "Alright, gotta stay calm. I've done this before during training. I wasn't trying to punch a hole in the side of a ship 1,000 times as big as mine while dozens of bandits were chasing me, but it's basically the same thing." Thanks Mika, I'll owe you a drink.
Mika: Then you'd better survive!
Jake: Target acquired. I'm firing up the lance.
Betty: Kinetic lance system armed. Increase throttle and engage FTL drive.
Jake: "Here goes nothing."