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Narrator: Mess hall, later...

Mattrick: {hrmrmr}

Mika: Something wrong?

Mattrick I know I shouldn't expect much, bein' a vegetarian on a carnivore ship, but... this is givin' me school flashbacks. A few weeks of this slip and I'll miss roughin' it. At least the grass on Edenia IV wasn't canned.

Mika: These people have had it far worse than us. We're lucky thye have anything to share with us.

Mattrick: {grumble}

Mika: What about you, Jake? You've hardly touched your food. The meatballs aren't fresh, but we've had worse.

Jake: Oh, it's not that. I'm just trying to catch up on some of the news we missed.

Mika: Oh? How are things back home then?

Jake: Honestly I don't even know what to think. All I've been able to put together is that it's looking bad for House Fenris, and our leaders probably don't want us to know how bad. I just wanna know how close hte horde are to Midgar, and who's still alive. No-one has a straight answer for me, though.