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Jake: Something tells me this isn't just about some pastries.

William: Well, you know how it is... everyone here's lost someone. A friend, a family member...

Jake: and then three strangers show up to sit in their chairs, sleep in their empty racks.

William: Yeah, I guess you could say that.

Mika: And this isn't a Banner Sentinel ship, either. Some of the crew might need time to get used to working with foreigners.

William: Well, for what it's worth, not everyone here feels that way. There were a lot of good people on cerberus 2, and we're all lucky you three made it out alive, let alone that The Rock picked you up.

Jake: Wait, are you saying Cerberus 2 is gone!?

Goldsmith: You... you really don't know? It was one of the first major battles of the war. I wish you didn't have to find out like this, but I guess this means you really are out of your time. And maybe there's more survivors out there, like you guys?

Mika: It's like you said, we've all lost people. But I'm glad at least one person on this ship believes us.

Mattrick: We shoulda' been there to fight with them.