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Tawny: We may have been punching above our weight class, but I think this little fella turned out pretty good! The enclosure might have looked better in black but hey, scroungers can't be choosers. Hey cartlos, everything okay over there?

Carlos: Oh hey there Chief Doohan, me and Tawny were just...

Doohan: What in Midgar's green hills are the two of you doing down here!?

Tawny: Well, we have this quantum entangled particle here... but it's out of sync with the net, so we built an adapter to jump start it with ours!

Doohan: Are you daft!? What if you got it backwards and we lose our own comms?!

Carlos: Well when you put it like that...

Tawny: Then it's a good thing we have The Rock's chief of engineering here to help us and make sure we get it right! What tools did you bring?