↓ Transcript
Doohan: I oughta have the two of you written up for this. You're lucky I'm curious about it. Good, looks like both particles are stable.

Carlos: 98, 99... Yes! 100 percent downloaded! Our little guy is back in sync and singing with the band! Now, let's have a look at the video that put us through all this trouble.

Rolf: BE brave, boy. No matter what happens I-- I'll see you again.

Mika: No-one's ever survived a black hole before!

Carlos: Wait, is this for real!?

Tawny: Damn, that's spooky!

Jake: ...No! Rolf ordered me to tlook out for you two, and that's what I'm gonna do!

Doohan: Good lord, how is that possible!?

Jake: It-- it actually worked! We're out!

Carlos: Wow... so it was all true! We have to get this to the captain!

Doohan: Alright, movie time's over! Now get yer asses back to the hangar, we're about to be in the middle of a battle, in case you've forgotten!

Tawny: Aw, I was just getting invested!