↓ Transcript
Zurr: Admiral, our main cannon has been disabled! They played us!
Trikorn: Unexpected, but it does not change our plans. Move us to a safe distance and activate the widow's web. Four lancers will be more than adequate to test it.
Zurr: But sir, our raptors are still out there! The web does not see friend or foe. If we aren't here to rescue our pilots, all of them could die!
Trikorn: They will die bravely... ...and they will not be the last.
Rolf: Hey, my systems just shut off! This must be some new weapon!
Jake: It's a trap! They're burning out their power cells to disable our ships!
Mika: Gee, that makes me feel special. Now how the heck do I get my ship running again!?
Mattrick: What in tarnation... I've got nothing but comms and life support! Hey, shouldn't someone call HQ? They probably should know the scalies just declared war!